Substantial Income Opportunity Blog, Blog Archive, Revolutionary Wealth Opportunity

Revolutionary Wealth Opportunity

Real median household income in the United States rose by 1.1 percent between 2004 and 2005, reaching $46,326, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Of course, median and average are not synonymous. Median is the absolute middle of the income spectrum and average is…well, average.

But who wants to be average? And who enjoys being crammed into the middle? Like the dog musher said, “If you aren’t the lead dog, the view never changes.” But if you want the view to change, you have to change it. Break out from the pack. Do something extraordinary. Do something…revolutionary!

There has never been a more exciting time to consider the possibilities of building individual wealth. The dynamics of society are changing. With the advent of social media like You Tube, Facebook, and Twitter, we are witnessing the empowerment of the individual. The world has never been more crowded, but we keep finding ways to say, “Look! I am here. I matter.”

In their book Revolutionary Wealth, released in 2006, well-known futurists Alvin and Heidi Toffler predict a dramatic increase in wealth in the coming years. They appear to be onto something. Berkeley economist J. Bradford DeLong noted that global income per person increased ten-fold in the 20th century. Compare that to the 19th century, in which personal income only tripled.

According to, 7.5 million Americans – or one in every 125 – were millionaires in 2004. reported that by 2005 that number had grown to 8.9% of the population. It remains true that two of every three millionaires are self-employed. That, my friend, is revolutionary wealth.

So how do you join the revolution? The obvious answer is…call your super-rich daddy and ask for a loan.

What? Your daddy isn’t super-rich, or he doesn’t trust you to pay that loan back? Well, then on to option 2: start your own business. Conventional wisdom says, “It takes money to make money…lots of it.” But, we aren’t talking about conventional wisdom, nor are we talking about conventional means. We are talking about revolutionary wealth.

This is a new day with new opportunities, the kind of opportunities not afforded previous generations. You don’t have to be out tens of thousands of dollars to secure a storefront or office space. You don’t have to be out hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy into a name-brand franchise. You don’t have to secure the services of a pricey advertising firm.

You can start a business right there in your very own home office with earning potential that exceeds traditional business models. Just ask yourself a few vital, qualifying questions first:
Do I have the desire to build my own business?
Do I have the ambition to build immense personal wealth?

Do I believe in my ability to achieve my dreams, given the opportunity?
Will I commit my time, energy, and resources to accomplishing my ultimate goal?

If you answered yes, yes, yes, yes, then you are ready to join the revolution. The next time CNN or Marketwatch compiles statistics regarding millionaires, you could be one reason the numbers keep rising.

Revolutionary wealth is within your reach, but you have to grasp it. There will never be a better time than right now to start your own revolution.

About the Author:

Adam Bell

Article Source: - Substantial Income Opportunity Blog, Blog Archive, Revolutionary Wealth Opportunity

Income Opportunity, Substantial Income, Revolutionary Wealth, Wealth Opportunity