Another Way To Use Ebay To Build Your List

EBay is the largest marketplace on the internet. The sheer volume of traffic makes it one of the most lucrative places to gain traffic from. Add to that the fact that the traffic is comprised of rabid buyers with credit cards in hand makes it an even more desirable place for traffic generation.

There has been a lot written about using eBay to build your list. Most of those methods are about using about me pages to link traffic to your site. That's not what I am going to discuss today. I am going to show you another way that most people don't ever think of, to drive traffic to your squeeze page, to help build your list.

There is a type of listing on eBay that is frequently overlooked but has great potential for you as a seller. This listing is the classified ad listing. You can create a listing as a classified ad instead of an auction or a buy it now sale. The only difference is you don't sell directly on eBay.

Your classified ad can have a link to your website. If someone from eBay clicks on your link they land on your site. If you send them to a squeeze page now you can get their contact information and add them to your list.

Here is an example: suppose you want to build a list and you are going to give away a free report on how to sell ebooks on eBay. You list your free report as you would any other item but you list it as a classified ad when you need to designate the type of listing you want.

You create your ad, and because it is a classified ad, you can put a link to your website or squeeze page. An interested buyer clicks on your classified ad, wants the free report, so he clicks your link.

The eBayer lands on your squeeze page, you get his info and instruct him how to get his free report. Now you have successfully added this leads name and email to your list.

There are a few differences when you use classified ads instead of auctions on eBay. First, not all categories support classified ads. If you go to eBay help and search on classified ads, you can find a list of categories that you can list classified ads in.

Information products is a category that does accept classified ads. If you are selling ebooks, or any other information product you can take advantage of this strategy.

The cost for a classified ad is very reasonable. It is under $10 for a 30 day ad. There are no other fees. Any transactions you make off eBay as a result of your ad, is all yours. There is no eBay fee for any of that.

Ebay can be a great source for building your marketing list. One of the most overlooked ways it to utilize eBay classified ads. This is just one more way to take advantage of the largest traffic source on the internet.

About the Author:

To find out how you can INSTANTLY receive your own product, your own ebook sets and follow a successful and highly profitable system to making money online, talk with Ray Johnson - No.1 Ranked eSeller:

Article Source: - Another Way To Use Ebay To Build Your List

Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, List Building, Ebay, Online Auctions