Five Truth and Myths About Internet Marketing

Every day thousands of people turn to internet marketing to start making money on line working from home. They have been led to believe that they need only spend a few minutes a day on their internet marketing, push a few keys and digital gold will pour steadily into their bank account and they will become millionaires in quick order. Truth or Myth?

Let's face it, you can strike digital gold in internet marketing, however it is not as easy as all the hype and scammers make it sound. So What is the truth and what is the myth? I have listed five truths and myths for you to consider when you are looking for your digital gold working from home in Iiternet marketing.

1. Truth: You can become a Millionaire through Internet Marketing.

There area a lot of internet marketers who have made millions of dollars by starting to work on line at home. These people have sold health products, affiliate products, information products and more. Many of them have been with internet marketing for over 10 years now and have worked hard but have made millions of dollars. Millions of dollars change hands everyday through internet marketing, so if you can tap into the digital gold mine you could become a millionaire.

2. Myth: You can become an Internet Marketing Millionaire overnight.

You can not set up your internet marketing business today and rake in the digital gold overnight. Let's be realistic, any business take time to start to make a profit, however due to the viral nature of the Internet it happens much faster. You still need time to build your business, make a plan for growth, do research, build a web site, advertise, become known and more.

3. Truth: You can work in your pajamas and slippers.

Yes it is true, if you wish to work dressed like this you can. Unlike having to go to the office downtown all dressed up, up just walk over to wherever your computer is, in your home office, at the kitchen table and no one else has to see what you are wearing .

As long as you have a lap top computer you can work anyplace in the world. So if you wish to wear your bathing suit, that is fine also. You can be at the beach, in a hotel, an Internet cafe, in the airport terminal and still be serving your client base.

4. Myth: Internet Marketing is a No Work, income system.

There is no such thing as getting rich doing no work. There is no such program that you can sign up for, and do nothing and have money pour into your bank account. There is always work in any program you deal with, so if you are looking for the no work/big income program then stop wasting your time and your money because you are only making someone else rich.

5. Truth: It is easy to get your share of digital gold through Internet Marketing.

Yes, it can be easy, however you need the right program, product, knowledge and training so it will be easy. After blundering around different programs trying to find my digital gold by working on line, I discovered a program and product that gave me detailed information, training and the knowledge I needed to make a lucrative income in internet marketing.

Yes you can find you digital gold on line, you can build a real business that will give you the freedom and lifestyle you desire. It is not a myth.

The truth is it will take some work to get your business set up, and you will have to put time and effort into maintaining it. However. I bet you will be quite happy doing a bit of work to get your share of digital gold from internet marketing.

About the Author:

Sharon Doucet is a Certified MasterMind Consultant, studying The New Think and Grow Rich with Ted Ciuba, For Free access and to learn how you can earn thousands of dollars giving away FREE New Think and Grow Rich MasterMind courses, visit:

Article Source: - Five Truth and Myths About Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing, Home, Money, Internet, Myth, Working, Truth, On Line