Home Based Internet Business Opportunities - 5 Internet Home Business Mistakes

Are you looking for home based business opportunities? Since you are reading this article, I assume that your answer is "yes".

Before taking up any opportunity, you should be aware of some common mistakes that new internet entrepreneurs made. Let us go through some of them.

1) Website optimization - The wrong way

We have all heard of SEO and all of us wanted our websites to be listed on the first page of search engine. However, many internet home business owners make the mistakes of optimizing their websites in the wrong way. Instead off adding useful content to their website, they try to use different black hat techniques.

Perhaps, they will succeed in the short run. However, in the long run, black hat techniques are not going to work.

2) Being "Too Focused"

Being focused is necessary for success. However, be careful of being "too focused". For example, some people depend solely on Google Adwords to drive traffic. This can be very dangerous as we all know that Google implement changes very regularly. Any changes to Google Adwords may bring our business to a halt.

It is always better to "focus" on a few ways to drive traffic so that we are not overly dependent on one traffic source.

3) Promoting others instead of yourself

Many affiliates try to make sales by driving traffic directly to the merchant websites. Yes, I know some affiliates made a decent income by doing that. However, they are promoting the merchants instead of themselves.

It is always a good practice to build a simple squeeze page to capture your visitors' information so that you can market to them again and again instead of losing them forever.

4) Confusing your visitors

If you try to do too many things on your webpage, your visitors will get confused. Each webpage should only serve one purpose. If it is a squeeze page, its purpose is to capture your visitors' information. You should not try to sell things on the squeeze page. Let the sale page do the selling instead. Do not add Google Adsense onto your sales pages. You do not want people to click away from your sales page.

5) Falling for "False Promises"

Are you in this situation of buying one eBook after the other? Perhaps the first eBook claims that you can start making a 4 figure income by the end of the month.

You bought it. You try it for a few days. No results.

A few days later, a second eBook claims that you can make $700 by the end of the week. Of course, you buy it. You try it for a few days. Again there is no result. And there comes the third eBook and the cycle continues.

Perhaps, those eBooks do contain useful information. However, the truth is you may not be able to make a four figure income by the end of the month. It may take several months. It is always important to be patient instead of jumping for one false promise to the other.

About the Author:

Lubano Lim is a young and fun loving entrepreneur with a passion for helping others succeed in their business.Looking for home based internet business opportunities? For a very limited time, discover the secret system used by many ordinary people to generate thousands of prospects without cold calling anyone... on complete autopilot.Visit http://residualincomecash.com now for a free 12 days eCourse.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Home Based Internet Business Opportunities - 5 Internet Home Business Mistakes

Home Business